Piano, Vocal and Choral Music
Musical Plays, including 'Marlene' and 'Shakespeare Sings - Will'm-S
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Sheet Music Downloads
Click here to select and download pdf files of the sheet music
- Piano music (complete 1967-2012)
- Piano Nocturne in D flat (2015)
- Secular Choral Music:
- Songs of Love and Death (Shakespeare) (for SATB and piano)
- Seven songs Sad and Gay (ee cummings) (for SATB and piano)
- Come away, come away death (Shakespeare) (for SATB and piano)
- Play the Tuba (for SATB piano and tuba)
- Out of a Silence (SATB a cappella)
- The Voice of Silence (SATB a cappella)
- We the People (SATB and piano)
- It’s OK to be Gay
Sacred Music:
- 1. Introit - O come let us sing unto the Lord
- 2. Paean - organ Prelude
- 3. Paean - Anthem 'I thank you God'
- 4. Paean - organ Interlude
- 5. Paean - organ Postlude (with handbells)
- 6. Rejoice and Sing (Christmas Carol)
- 7. Be merciful unto me O God
- 8. Great God of Power
- 9. The Lord's Prayer
- 10. O Lord our God, whom Saints and Angels
Listen to ‘It’s OK to be Gay!’ sung by the Gulf Coast Men’s Chorus at GALA 2000 in San
Jose, California.
Listen to ‘It’s OK to be Gay!’ sung by the Gulf Coast Men’s Chorus at GALA 2000 in San Jose, California